
Use ThrustPad staking to req

A step by step guide to set up a staking pool

  1. Click on this link.

  1. Next you need to enter in the token addresses:

  • Staking Token Address: This is the token your holders will need to stake to earn rewards.

  1. Fill in the following

  • Stake Name: This is the name of the staking pool.

  • Start Date Time: This is the date your pool opens.

  • End Date Time: This is the date it closes.

  • Unstake Time: Your investors can't unstake till this time has passed.

  • Reward APY in EDU: This is the % reward APY in EDU set by the investor

  • Reward APY in Token: This is the % reward APY in the Staked Token set by the investor

  • Stake Hardcap: This is the max amount of tokens that can be staked in your pool.

  • Min Limit to Stake: This is the minimum amount required to be able to stake in your pool.

Last updated